London residents concerned about traffic safety after crash on Western Road

Residents along a winding stretch of Western Road in London are concerned that it’s only a matter of time before a serious injury occurs, following another overnight collision that knocked out a hydro pole.

On Friday morning, the pole was leaning with the support of a crane near Oxford Street and the CKPC rail overpass. London police confirmed the vehicle struck the pole, but no injuries were reported, and an investigation is ongoing.

Local residents and university students worry about the road’s dangerous combination of speed and a tricky bend. Some have even placed concrete blocks in front of their homes to prevent accidents. Despite a recently added crosswalk for student safety, residents argue it has become a new hazard, with drivers cutting off pedestrians.

They believe more safety measures, such as signage or police presence, may not change reckless driving habits. Several residents plan to take their concerns to city hall.

If you have been involved and/or injured in a car accident, reaching out to a law firm like Edge Injury Law, which specializes in car accident cases, can help you determine the benefits you may be entitled to.

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