The cannabis vaporizer industry is a developing sector that exposes so many opportunities for business owners. This industry segment is ultimately affected by the movement in the tobacco industry, the public health sector, and consumer demand. To succeed, cannabis vape device retailers must pay attention to these three primary factors affecting the industry. Let’s discuss how these unique factors affect the cannabis vaporizer industry!

#1 Tobacco versus vaporizer industry
The cannabis vaporizer industry is generally seen as an alternative to nicotine e-cigarettes. However, the reality is that they are two completely different sectors that compete in a seemingly similar market. To alleviate themselves from the tobacco industry domination, many vape device retailers avoid distributing vaporizers associated with big tobacco brands. They go over the top to remove the term “e-cigarette” altogether while selling their vaporizer products.
#2 Public health concerns against cannabis vaporizer
Cannabis vaporizer distributors need to stay updated with the regulation as the public health sector has raised concerns about the additional harmful ingredients in cannabis oil. This includes thinning agents like propylene glycol, which scientists suspect are cancer-inducing ingredients. However, there has not been conclusive research that supports this claim.
Despite the inconclusive health impacts, many cannabis vape device retailers still pursue some actions to justify their products. For instance, they go for the cannabis oil that does not include thinning agents and replace them with terpenes. This ingredient not only thins the cannabis oil’s consistency but also improves the cannabis vapor taste. Another approach is to utilize an appropriate cannabis extraction method, CO2 extraction, to achieve the cannabis oil with thin consistency suitable for a cannabis vape device. Aside from maintaining health-conscious ingredient sourcing, they also promote how cannabis vape device retailers continually put efforts into protecting public health.
#3 Quick shifts in consumer demand
Although this factor may apply to different industries, the cannabis vaporizer industry faces a rapidly changing landscape. Every cannabis vape device retailer must abruptly respond to the demand shift to excel in their field. For instance, many cannabis consumers transition from purchasing a bulky cannabis vape device to a more compact one. In addition, the introduction of rechargeable disposable cannabis vaporizers in 2021 has set a new course for the cannabis vaporizer industry. Cannabis vapers prefer to have their cannabis vape devices ready to use out of the box. The rechargeability function ensures that they won’t waste a single drop of cannabis oil due to power limitations.
The recent trend in the cannabis industry also shows that cannabis vapers prefer a larger-capacity device containing 1g of cannabis oil. People seem affected by pricing, availability, and the desire to visit the cannabis vape retailer less frequently. The unique part is that this trend can be considered a drastic change, as the demand grew five times its original number just in one year!
By understanding this ever-changing consumer demand, cannabis vape device retailers can pick the cannabis vaporizer types to distribute to meet the cannabis vaper’s current preferences.
Discovering a quintessential cannabis vape device distributor for your business
As we understand some factors to be considered by cannabis vape device retailers to succeed, many of these factors strongly correlate with their choice of cannabis vaporizer distributor partner. Therefore, Cilicon curates some aspects to assess to find the right cannabis vaporizer distributor!
#1 Pricing
The initial step is to compare the pricing of one cannabis vaporizer distributor to another. Many cannabis vaporizer retailers believe that higher pricing means a better product. However, it is not always the case, as many distributors who care for their clients usually compete with competitive pricing to offer the maximum value for their customers.
#2 Customer service
While partnering up with a cannabis vaporizer distributor seems effortless, it actually requires effective communications to run smoothly. Therefore, it is recommended that a cannabis vaporizer retailer goes for those distributors that can provide a team full of helpful, attentive, responsive, and knowledgeable members! This will ultimately prevent incorrect enumeration of order quantity and charges.
#3 Brand reputation
Another important aspect is to know who you are dealing with! A cannabis vaporizer retailer should begin by researching how their target distributors treat their existing customers. This can be done through online research by reading reviews about the quality of products and customer retention. However, the best method is to get an in-person opinion as it is considered a more reliable source of information.
#4 Product catalog
This aspect is crucial because cannabis vaporizer retailers need to source the most sought-after product range relevant to their target market. A distributor can have a wide range of cannabis vaporizer types, but not always the most up-to-date ones that can land a retailer its source of revenue. Not to mention, excellent cannabis vaporizer distributors should continually update their product catalog to match the most recent trend.
#5 The cannabis vapes device’s authenticity
The existence of counterfeited cannabis vaporizers has been an alarming issue for cannabis vaporizer retailers. Therefore, the retailers need to dig deep into the authenticity of the cannabis vape devices they source. If a cannabis vaporizer distributor is a real deal, they should be able to provide proof of authenticity in the form of serial numbers or batch numbers.
#6 Location and shipping
Regarding location, it is preferable to have a cannabis vape device distributor partner in the same region or, at least, in the closest proximity. This is to avoid costly shipping fees, especially when the retailers are in urgent need of replenishing some products in a short time. Another alternative is to partner with a distributor that can provide free shipping or a discounted rate for a specific order quantity.

Cilicon: your reliable cannabis vaporizer distributor
Cilicon is offering a partnership opportunity with any cannabis vaporizer retailers who want to be the market leader in the cannabis vaporizer industry!
Cilicon always aims to be a top-of-mind brand in the cannabis vaporizer industry. We are concerned about the well-being of the end users of our cannabis vape devices. Therefore, we are determined only to distribute the highest-quality device with many technologies to improve product safety. For instance, we implement a child-safe feature in the form of a twist-lock system that can only be opened by exerting a force only adults can make, ultimately protecting the most vulnerable part of the community: children. Aside from this feature, we also utilize premium materials, such as biodegradable plastic and ceramic heating core that can optimally vaporize cannabis oil.
Cilicon is also responsive to consumer demand as we launch different cannabis vaporizer product lines to fulfill the different demands of cannabis vaporizer retailers. We have the classic 510-threaded cannabis vaporizer, pod-system cannabis vaporizer, and disposable cannabis vape devices. To go above and beyond, we also offer original design manufacturing that may appeal to retailers who plan to launch their cannabis vaporizer brand.
As proof of reliability, Cilicon has partnered with multiple distributor partners and retailers from across continents, proving our reliable service to distribute to wherever a cannabis vape device retailer is located. Not to mention, Cilicon offers a multi-tiered partnership program that a retailer can adjust according to their internal requirements. However, even our basic package already includes the essentials a cannabis vape device retailer needs to get their sales up and running.
Let Cilicon be the spectacular cannabis vaporizer distributor that a retailer ever needs!